
深入浅出boltdb —— 0x04 事务

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0. 引言



1. 事务

1.1 事务的ACID性质

ACID性质(Atomicity原子性、Consistency一致性、Isolation隔离性、Durability持久性)的解释方式有很多,笔者比较倾向于英文wiki[引文1]IBM Knowledge Center - ACID properties of transactions[引文2]中的描述。


Atomicity :

Transactions are often composed of multiple statements. Atomicity guarantees that each transaction is treated as a single “unit”, which either succeeds completely, or fails completely: if any of the statements constituting a transaction fails to complete, the entire transaction fails and the database is left unchanged. An atomic system must guarantee atomicity in each and every situation, including power failures, errors and crashes. A guarantee of atomicity prevents updates to the database occurring only partially, which can cause greater problems than rejecting the whole series outright. As a consequence, the transaction cannot be observed to be in progress by another database client. At one moment in time, it has not yet happened, and at the next it has already occurred in whole (or nothing happened if the transaction was cancelled in progress).

Consistency :

Consistency ensures that a transaction can only bring the database from one valid state to another, maintaining database invariants: any data written to the database must be valid according to all defined rules, including constraints, cascades, triggers, and any combination thereof. This prevents database corruption by an illegal transaction, but does not guarantee that a transaction is correct. Referential integrity guarantees the primary key – foreign key relationship.

Isolation :

Transactions are often executed concurrently (e.g., multiple transactions reading and writing to a table at the same time). Isolation ensures that concurrent execution of transactions leaves the database in the same state that would have been obtained if the transactions were executed sequentially. Isolation is the main goal of concurrency control; depending on the method used, the effects of an incomplete transaction might not even be visible to other transactions.

Durability :

Durability guarantees that once a transaction has been committed, it will remain committed even in the case of a system failure (e.g., power outage or crash). This usually means that completed transactions (or their effects) are recorded in non-volatile memory.


Atomicity :

All changes to data are performed as if they are a single operation. That is, all the changes are performed, or none of them are. For example, in an application that transfers funds from one account to another, the atomicity property ensures that, if a debit is made successfully from one account, the corresponding credit is made to the other account.

Consistency :

Data is in a consistent state when a transaction starts and when it ends. For example, in an application that transfers funds from one account to another, the consistency property ensures that the total value of funds in both the accounts is the same at the start and end of each transaction.

Isolation :

The intermediate state of a transaction is invisible to other transactions. As a result, transactions that run concurrently appear to be serialized. For example, in an application that transfers funds from one account to another, the isolation property ensures that another transaction sees the transferred funds in one account or the other, but not in both, nor in neither.

Durability :

After a transaction successfully completes, changes to data persist and are not undone, even in the event of a system failure. For example, in an application that transfers funds from one account to another, the durability property ensures that the changes made to each account will not be reversed.

关于ACID中的Isolation隔离性,可以分为多个隔离级别(Isolation levels)。关于隔离级别,笔者建议阅读英文wiki提供的描述[引文3]



This is the highest isolation level.

With a lock-based concurrency control DBMS implementation, serializability requires read and write locks (acquired on selected data) to be released at the end of the transaction. Also range-locks must be acquired when a SELECT query uses a ranged WHERE clause, especially to avoid the phantom reads phenomenon.

When using non-lock based concurrency control, no locks are acquired; however, if the system detects a write collision among several concurrent transactions, only one of them is allowed to commit. See snapshot isolation for more details on this topic.

Repeatable reads

In this isolation level, a lock-based concurrency control DBMS implementation keeps read and write locks (acquired on selected data) until the end of the transaction. However, range-locks are not managed, so phantom reads can occur.

Write skew is possible at this isolation level, a phenomenon where two writes are allowed to the same column(s) in a table by two different writers (who have previously read the columns they are updating), resulting in the column having data that is a mix of the two transactions.

Read committed

In this isolation level, a lock-based concurrency control DBMS implementation keeps write locks (acquired on selected data) until the end of the transaction, but read locks are released as soon as the SELECT operation is performed (so the non-repeatable reads phenomenon can occur in this isolation level). As in the previous level, range-locks are not managed.

Putting it in simpler words, read committed is an isolation level that guarantees that any data read is committed at the moment it is read. It simply restricts the reader from seeing any intermediate, uncommitted, ‘dirty’ read. It makes no promise whatsoever that if the transaction re-issues the read, it will find the same data; data is free to change after it is read.

Read uncommitted This is the lowest isolation level. In this level, dirty reads are allowed, so one transaction may see not-yet-committed changes made by other transactions.


(isolation level)
(dirty reads)
(non-repeatable reads)
(phantom reads)
(read uncommitted)
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
(read committed)
⚠️ ⚠️
(repeatable reads)

1.2 boltdb中ACID的实现



boltdb中事务的原子性是通过Shadow Paging实现的。当事务中的操作修改boltdb中的数据时,其不会直接修改数据库文件(mmap memory中的page),而是将更新内容写入到page buffer中。在事务提交时,会一并将这些page buffer中的dirty page写入到底层数据库文件,然后更新元数据将其指向新的页。因此,事务没有中间状态:要么全部写入,要么因回滚被丢弃。在元数据更新前,其指向的是事务执行前的旧page。因此,如果数据库在page buffer写入后且在元数据更新前故障,则数据仍保持在事务提交前的状态,而没有中间状态。


数据库的“Consistency一致性”指事务前后的数据是否符合约束,有些资料也称其为“数据完整性”或“数据有效性”,论文《A relational model of data for large shared data banks》中有对其概念的形式化描述,感兴趣的读者可以看一下。





Shadow Paging同样为实现事务隔离提供了支持。为了保证serializable的同时实现读写并发,当读写事务提交时,boltdb不会立即回收其不再使用的页(shadow page),这些页仍在freelist中该事务的pending列表中,因为此时这些页可能还在被未完成的只读事务读取。取而代之的是,boltdb会在事务开始时为其分配事务idtxid,只读事务的txid为当前数据库的txid,读写事务的txid为当前数据库的txid + 1。boltdb会记录正在执行的事务的事务id;当创建读写事务时,boltdb会从只读事务中找到进行中的最小的txid,显然,该txid之前的读写事务的shadow page不再需要被读取,此时可以安全地释放这些读写事务的shadow page,即可以freelist中该事务的pending列表中的页合并到freelist的ids中。

Shadow Paging保证了读读并发、读写并发的事务隔离性,boltdb还需要保证最多只有1个读写事务在进行。boltdb的读写事务开始前会申请互斥锁,以避免读写事务并行执行。这里需要注意两点:第一,因为boltdb支持读写并发,所以只读事务不需要申请S锁,否则只有读读事务才能并行执行;第二,在数据库领域,这种锁机制应叫做“latch”而非“lock”,只是其粒度较大。CMU 15-721中较为详细地介绍了Lock与Latch的区别,这里笔者搬运一下其总结表格。

Separate … User transactions Threads
Proetect … Database contents In-memory data structures
During … Entire transactions Critical sections
Modes … Shared, exclusive, update, intention, escrow, schema, etc. Read, writes, (perhaps) update
Deadlock … Detection & resolution Avoidance
… by … Aanlysis of the waits-for graph, timeout, transaction abort, partial rollback, lock de-escalation Coding discipline, “lock leveling”
Kept in … Lock manager’s hash table Protected data structure



2. boltdb中事务的封装与实现


2.1 Tx结构体


// txid represents the internal transaction identifier.
type txid uint64

// Tx represents a read-only or read/write transaction on the database.
// Read-only transactions can be used for retrieving values for keys and creating cursors.
// Read/write transactions can create and remove buckets and create and remove keys.
// IMPORTANT: You must commit or rollback transactions when you are done with
// them. Pages can not be reclaimed by the writer until no more transactions
// are using them. A long running read transaction can cause the database to
// quickly grow.
type Tx struct {
	writable       bool
	managed        bool
	db             *DB
	meta           *meta
	root           Bucket
	pages          map[pgid]*page
	stats          TxStats
	commitHandlers []func()

	// WriteFlag specifies the flag for write-related methods like WriteTo().
	// Tx opens the database file with the specified flag to copy the data.
	// By default, the flag is unset, which works well for mostly in-memory
	// workloads. For databases that are much larger than available RAM,
	// set the flag to syscall.O_DIRECT to avoid trashing the page cache.
	WriteFlag int
writable bool true表示当前事务为读写事务,false表示当前事务为只读事务。
managed bool 标识当前事务是否为隐式事务,隐式事务由boltdb自动提交或回滚,用户不能主动提交或回滚。
db *DB 创建该事务的数据库对象。
meta *meta 当前事务创建时的meta拷贝。
root Bucket 当前事务所见的root bucket的Bucket实例。
page map[pgid]*page 索引当前事务所使用的dirty page(page buffer)。
stats TxStats 统计变量。
commitHandlers []func() 事务成功提交后需调用的回调函数列表。
WriteFlag int WriteTo方法reader打开文件时可配置的额外的flag。


ID() int 返回当前事务id(tx.meta.txid)。
DB *DB 返回创建当前事务的数据库实例。
Size() int64 返回当前事务所见的数据库大小(非数据大小)。
Writable() bool 返回当前事务事务可写。
Stats() TxStats 返回当前事务的统计量。

此外,Tx还为boltdb的用户提供了一些访问root bucket的方法:

Cursor() *Cursor tx.root.Cursor()。从当前事务获取root bucket的Cursor。由于root bucket中只保存子bucket,因此其返回的所有value都是nil。
Bucket(name []byte) *Bucket tx.root.Bucket(name)。获取root bucket的子bucket。
CreateBucket(name []byte) (*Bucket, error) tx.root.CreateBucket(name)
CreateBucketIfNotExists(name []byte) (*Bucket, error) tx.root.CreateBucketIfNotExists(name)。如果root bucket的子bucket未创建,则创建子bucket并返回实例;否则直接返回其实例。
DeleteBucket(name []byte) error tx.root.DeleteBucket(name)。删除root bucket的子bucket。
ForEach(fn func(name []byte, b *Bucket) error) error 遍历root bucket的所有子bucket并执行给定闭包。

2.2 事务的生命周期



rwlock sync.Mutex 用来隔离可写事务的互斥锁(注意,不是读写锁)。
metalock sync.Mutex 用来保护元数据访问的互斥锁。
mmaplock sync.RWMutex 用来保护mmap操作的读写锁。


这三种锁的获取顺序是:(rwlock) $\rightarrow$ metalock $\rightarrow$ (mmaplock)。

此外,boltdb中还有两把锁。其一是读写锁statlock sync.RWMutex,其作用是保护统计量的访问,这里不作重点介绍;其二是互斥锁batchMu,该锁用来保护数据库实例的batch字段,作用较为单一,本文在2.3.2节介绍。

2.2.1 事务开始



// Begin starts a new transaction.
// Multiple read-only transactions can be used concurrently but only one
// write transaction can be used at a time. Starting multiple write transactions
// will cause the calls to block and be serialized until the current write
// transaction finishes.
// Transactions should not be dependent on one another. Opening a read
// transaction and a write transaction in the same goroutine can cause the
// writer to deadlock because the database periodically needs to re-mmap itself
// as it grows and it cannot do that while a read transaction is open.
// If a long running read transaction (for example, a snapshot transaction) is
// needed, you might want to set DB.InitialMmapSize to a large enough value
// to avoid potential blocking of write transaction.
// IMPORTANT: You must close read-only transactions after you are finished or
// else the database will not reclaim old pages.
func (db *DB) Begin(writable bool) (*Tx, error) {
	if writable {
		return db.beginRWTx()
	return db.beginTx()



func (db *DB) beginTx() (*Tx, error) {
	// Lock the meta pages while we initialize the transaction. We obtain
	// the meta lock before the mmap lock because that's the order that the
	// write transaction will obtain them.

	// Obtain a read-only lock on the mmap. When the mmap is remapped it will
	// obtain a write lock so all transactions must finish before it can be
	// remapped.

	// Exit if the database is not open yet.
	if !db.opened {
		return nil, ErrDatabaseNotOpen

	// Create a transaction associated with the database.
	t := &Tx{}

	// Keep track of transaction until it closes.
	db.txs = append(db.txs, t)
	n := len(db.txs)

	// Unlock the meta pages.

	// Update the transaction stats.
	db.stats.OpenTxN = n

	return t, nil


  1. 获取metalock锁与mmaplock的S锁。
  2. 检测数据库是否打开,如果没打开则释放锁并返回错误。
  3. 创建writable为false的Tx对象,调用init方法初始化Tx对象(Tx对象初始化时会复制当前的meta)。
  4. 将事务保存到DBtxs字段中。
  5. 释放metalock
  6. 更新统计量,返回事务对象Tx


func (db *DB) beginRWTx() (*Tx, error) {
	// If the database was opened with Options.ReadOnly, return an error.
	if db.readOnly {
		return nil, ErrDatabaseReadOnly

	// Obtain writer lock. This is released by the transaction when it closes.
	// This enforces only one writer transaction at a time.

	// Once we have the writer lock then we can lock the meta pages so that
	// we can set up the transaction.
	defer db.metalock.Unlock()

	// Exit if the database is not open yet.
	if !db.opened {
		return nil, ErrDatabaseNotOpen

	// Create a transaction associated with the database.
	t := &Tx{writable: true}
	db.rwtx = t

	// Free any pages associated with closed read-only transactions.
	var minid txid = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
	for _, t := range db.txs {
		if t.meta.txid < minid {
			minid = t.meta.txid
	if minid > 0 {
		db.freelist.release(minid - 1)

	return t, nil


  1. 若事务为只读事务,返回错误。
  2. 获取rwlock锁与metalock锁,并通过defer关键字确保metalock会在函数返回前被安全释放。
  3. 检测数据库是否打开,如果没打开则释放锁并返回错误。
  4. 创建writable为true的Tx对象,调用init方法初始化Tx对象(Tx对象初始化时会复制当前的meta),并更新DBrwtx字段为当前Tx对象。
  5. 释放不再使用的shadow page。

boltdb释放不再使用的shadow page的方法是:找到当前还在执行的读写事务中最小的txid,记为minid。显然,在该minid之前的读写事务产生的shadow page不再会被读取,此时,通过freelistrelease方法释放txid不超过minid-1的事务产生的shadow page。


// init initializes the transaction.
func (tx *Tx) init(db *DB) {
	tx.db = db
	tx.pages = nil

	// Copy the meta page since it can be changed by the writer.
	tx.meta = &meta{}

	// Copy over the root bucket.
	tx.root = newBucket(tx)
	tx.root.bucket = &bucket{}
	*tx.root.bucket = tx.meta.root

	// Increment the transaction id and add a page cache for writable transactions.
	if tx.writable {
		tx.pages = make(map[pgid]*page)
		tx.meta.txid += txid(1)

init方法初始化了Tx的一些字段。因为boltdb支持事务读写并发,所以其深拷贝了事务创建时的meta数据与root bucket的元数据,以避免只读事务读取到后续读写事务更新过的元数据。

init方法还为读写事务初始化了pages字段,该字段是用来记录事务写入的dirty page(page buffer)的cache。此外,init在初始化读写事务时还会将其meta中的txid + 1

2.2.2 事务提交


本节将介绍事务提交的实现。 Commit方法


// OnCommit adds a handler function to be executed after the transaction successfully commits.
func (tx *Tx) OnCommit(fn func()) {
	tx.commitHandlers = append(tx.commitHandlers, fn)

// Commit writes all changes to disk and updates the meta page.
// Returns an error if a disk write error occurs, or if Commit is
// called on a read-only transaction.
func (tx *Tx) Commit() error {
	_assert(!tx.managed, "managed tx commit not allowed")
	if tx.db == nil {
		return ErrTxClosed
	} else if !tx.writable {
		return ErrTxNotWritable

	// TODO(benbjohnson): Use vectorized I/O to write out dirty pages.

	// Rebalance nodes which have had deletions.
	var startTime = time.Now()
	if tx.stats.Rebalance > 0 {
		tx.stats.RebalanceTime += time.Since(startTime)

	// spill data onto dirty pages.
	startTime = time.Now()
	if err := tx.root.spill(); err != nil {
		return err
	tx.stats.SpillTime += time.Since(startTime)

	// Free the old root bucket.
	tx.meta.root.root = tx.root.root

	opgid := tx.meta.pgid

	// Free the freelist and allocate new pages for it. This will overestimate
	// the size of the freelist but not underestimate the size (which would be bad).,
	p, err := tx.allocate((tx.db.freelist.size() / tx.db.pageSize) + 1)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := tx.db.freelist.write(p); err != nil {
		return err
	tx.meta.freelist =

	// If the high water mark has moved up then attempt to grow the database.
	if tx.meta.pgid > opgid {
		if err := tx.db.grow(int(tx.meta.pgid+1) * tx.db.pageSize); err != nil {
			return err

	// Write dirty pages to disk.
	startTime = time.Now()
	if err := tx.write(); err != nil {
		return err

	// If strict mode is enabled then perform a consistency check.
	// Only the first consistency error is reported in the panic.
	if tx.db.StrictMode {
		ch := tx.Check()
		var errs []string
		for {
			err, ok := <-ch
			if !ok {
			errs = append(errs, err.Error())
		if len(errs) > 0 {
			panic("check fail: " + strings.Join(errs, "\n"))

	// Write meta to disk.
	if err := tx.writeMeta(); err != nil {
		return err
	tx.stats.WriteTime += time.Since(startTime)

	// Finalize the transaction.

	// Execute commit handlers now that the locks have been removed.
	for _, fn := range tx.commitHandlers {

	return nil


  1. 检查当前事务是否为隐式事务、是否已关闭、是为非读写事务,如果不是,则返回错误(隐式事务提交会引起panic)。
  2. 从root bucket开始执行rebalance操作与spill操作以调整B+Tree结构,并统计各自所用时间。
  3. 将当前事务meta中root bucket的pgid指向copy-on-write后新的root bucket。
  4. 释放旧freelist所在page,并为其分配新page,将其写入相应的page buffer中。
  5. 检查当前已使用的空间大小是否超过了底层数据库文件大小,如果超过了该大小需要通过grow方法增大数据库文件大小(详见下文说明)。
  6. 调用Txwrite方法,通过pwrite+fdatasync系统调用将dirty page写入的层文件,同时统计其耗时。
  7. 如果数据库处于严格模式StructMode,调用TxCheck方法对数据库进行完整性检查。
  8. 调用TxwriteMeta方法,通过pwrite+fdatasync系统调用将meta page写入的层文件。写入时根据事务txid交替写入meta page 0 或 1,。
  9. 调用close方法关闭事务。
  10. 一次调用之前通过OnCommit方法注册的回调函数。
  11. 如果步骤4~8出错,则通过rollback方法回滚事务。

Commit方法中,有一些地方需要注意,接下来笔者将依次对其进行介绍与分析(事务关闭方法在2.2.4节中介绍)。 grow方法

第5步中的grow方法,是用来增长底层数据库文件大小的方法。在本系列的前文深入浅出boltdb —— 0x01 存储与缓存中,笔者描述boltdb的mmap增长逻辑时埋下了一个伏笔:boltdb的mmap的增长策略是从32KB开始,每次倍增,在达到1GB后每次增长1GB;但是boltdb并不会在mmap的同时修改底层数据库文件大小。这样的问题是:当访问超出了文件大小的mmap空间时,会引起SIGBUS异常。为了避免访问越界,同时减少不必要的底层数据库文件增长,boltdb采用了在事务提交时按需增长的策略。

boltdb的实现方式是:在为事务分配完所需的页之后、在写入脏页前,先计算其使用了的空间大小(包括freelist中的页),即int(tx.meta.pgid+1) * tx.db.pageSize。之后调用DBgrow方法来按需增大底层数据库文件大小。其实现如下:

// grow grows the size of the database to the given sz.
func (db *DB) grow(sz int) error {
	// Ignore if the new size is less than available file size.
	if sz <= db.filesz {
		return nil

	// If the data is smaller than the alloc size then only allocate what's needed.
	// Once it goes over the allocation size then allocate in chunks.
	if db.datasz < db.AllocSize {
		sz = db.datasz
	} else {
		sz += db.AllocSize

	// Truncate and fsync to ensure file size metadata is flushed.
	if !db.NoGrowSync && !db.readOnly {
		if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
			if err := db.file.Truncate(int64(sz)); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("file resize error: %s", err)
		if err := db.file.Sync(); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("file sync error: %s", err)

	db.filesz = sz
	return nil

grow方法会判断传入的所需文件大小,如果不需要增长底层文件大小则直接返回。同时,grow方法会检查当前mmap大小是否超过了门限AllocSize,在mmap大小达到该门限之前grow方法会按需增长数据库文件大小,在达到该门限后每次让数据库文件增大AllocSize。随后,grow方法会根据配置与系统来增长底层文件大小。其中需要注意两点:Windows支持mmap时自动扩展文件大小,而Linux不支持;ext3/ext4文件系统需要通过fsync方法强制同步元数据。这里笔者给出与grow相关的几个主要记录,以便读者参考:issue#284pull#286pull#453 write、writeMeta


// write writes any dirty pages to disk.
func (tx *Tx) write() error {
	// Sort pages by id.
	pages := make(pages, 0, len(tx.pages))
	for _, p := range tx.pages {
		pages = append(pages, p)
	// Clear out page cache early.
	tx.pages = make(map[pgid]*page)

	// Write pages to disk in order.
	for _, p := range pages {
		size := (int(p.overflow) + 1) * tx.db.pageSize
		offset := int64( * int64(tx.db.pageSize)

		// Write out page in "max allocation" sized chunks.
		ptr := (*[maxAllocSize]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(p))
		for {
			// Limit our write to our max allocation size.
			sz := size
			if sz > maxAllocSize-1 {
				sz = maxAllocSize - 1

			// Write chunk to disk.
			buf := ptr[:sz]
			if _, err := tx.db.ops.writeAt(buf, offset); err != nil {
				return err

			// Update statistics.

			// Exit inner for loop if we've written all the chunks.
			size -= sz
			if size == 0 {

			// Otherwise move offset forward and move pointer to next chunk.
			offset += int64(sz)
			ptr = (*[maxAllocSize]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&ptr[sz]))

	// Ignore file sync if flag is set on DB.
	if !tx.db.NoSync || IgnoreNoSync {
		if err := fdatasync(tx.db); err != nil {
			return err

	// Put small pages back to page pool.
	for _, p := range pages {
		// Ignore page sizes over 1 page.
		// These are allocated using make() instead of the page pool.
		if int(p.overflow) != 0 {

		buf := (*[maxAllocSize]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(p))[:tx.db.pageSize]

		// See
		for i := range buf {
			buf[i] = 0

	return nil

从源码可知,write方法会将tx.pages中记录的脏页,有序地写入到底层文件。其默认的写入方法为go的os.File.WriteAt方法,其内部通过pwrite系统调用实现,同时,每次写入大小不超过maxAllocSize。在写入后,如果数据库没有启用NoSync参数或IgnoreNoSync为真(该参数在OpenBSD系统上为真,原因详见该参数注释)时,会通过fdatasync系统调用确保数据安全地写入到磁盘。最后,该方法会把分配的单页大小的page buffer放回pagePool中(详见《深入浅出boltdb —— 0x01 存储与缓存》3.2.1 page buffer(memory->memory))。


// writeMeta writes the meta to the disk.
func (tx *Tx) writeMeta() error {
	// Create a temporary buffer for the meta page.
	buf := make([]byte, tx.db.pageSize)
	p := tx.db.pageInBuffer(buf, 0)

	// Write the meta page to file.
	if _, err := tx.db.ops.writeAt(buf, int64(*int64(tx.db.pageSize)); err != nil {
		return err
	if !tx.db.NoSync || IgnoreNoSync {
		if err := fdatasync(tx.db); err != nil {
			return err

	// Update statistics.

	return nil

// write writes the meta onto a page.
func (m *meta) write(p *page) {
	if m.root.root >= m.pgid {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("root bucket pgid (%d) above high water mark (%d)", m.root.root, m.pgid))
	} else if m.freelist >= m.pgid {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("freelist pgid (%d) above high water mark (%d)", m.freelist, m.pgid))

	// Page id is either going to be 0 or 1 which we can determine by the transaction ID. = pgid(m.txid % 2)
	p.flags |= metaPageFlag

	// Calculate the checksum.
	m.checksum = m.sum64()


// copy copies one meta object to another.
func (m *meta) copy(dest *meta) {
	*dest = *m

writeMeta方法同样通过pwrite+fdatasync的方式确保元数据被安全地写入到磁盘。同时,该方法会根据当前事务的txid来交替写入meta page 0 或 1。这样,即使在数据库写入meta页时挂掉,其重启时可以根据meta页的校验和切换到另一个数据完整的meta页。这样做也不会引起提交的事务数据丢失,因为如果还没写完meta页,那么该事务不会被认为是已提交的;另外,由于boltdb写入page时是copy-on-write的,旧meta页中指向的相应的页也都是有效的。 Check


// Check performs several consistency checks on the database for this transaction.
// An error is returned if any inconsistency is found.
// It can be safely run concurrently on a writable transaction. However, this
// incurs a high cost for large databases and databases with a lot of subbuckets
// because of caching. This overhead can be removed if running on a read-only
// transaction, however, it is not safe to execute other writer transactions at
// the same time.
func (tx *Tx) Check() <-chan error {
	ch := make(chan error)
	go tx.check(ch)
	return ch

func (tx *Tx) check(ch chan error) {
	// Check if any pages are double freed.
	freed := make(map[pgid]bool)
	all := make([]pgid, tx.db.freelist.count())
	for _, id := range all {
		if freed[id] {
			ch <- fmt.Errorf("page %d: already freed", id)
		freed[id] = true

	// Track every reachable page.
	reachable := make(map[pgid]*page)
	reachable[0] = // meta0
	reachable[1] = // meta1
	for i := uint32(0); i <=; i++ {
		reachable[tx.meta.freelist+pgid(i)] =

	// Recursively check buckets.
	tx.checkBucket(&tx.root, reachable, freed, ch)

	// Ensure all pages below high water mark are either reachable or freed.
	for i := pgid(0); i < tx.meta.pgid; i++ {
		_, isReachable := reachable[i]
		if !isReachable && !freed[i] {
			ch <- fmt.Errorf("page %d: unreachable unfreed", int(i))

	// Close the channel to signal completion.

func (tx *Tx) checkBucket(b *Bucket, reachable map[pgid]*page, freed map[pgid]bool, ch chan error) {
	// Ignore inline buckets.
	if b.root == 0 {

	// Check every page used by this bucket.
	b.tx.forEachPage(b.root, 0, func(p *page, _ int) {
		if > tx.meta.pgid {
			ch <- fmt.Errorf("page %d: out of bounds: %d", int(, int(b.tx.meta.pgid))

		// Ensure each page is only referenced once.
		for i := pgid(0); i <= pgid(p.overflow); i++ {
			var id = + i
			if _, ok := reachable[id]; ok {
				ch <- fmt.Errorf("page %d: multiple references", int(id))
			reachable[id] = p

		// We should only encounter un-freed leaf and branch pages.
		if freed[] {
			ch <- fmt.Errorf("page %d: reachable freed", int(
		} else if (p.flags&branchPageFlag) == 0 && (p.flags&leafPageFlag) == 0 {
			ch <- fmt.Errorf("page %d: invalid type: %s", int(, p.typ())

	// Check each bucket within this bucket.
	_ = b.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
		if child := b.Bucket(k); child != nil {
			tx.checkBucket(child, reachable, freed, ch)
		return nil


  1. 是否存在页被二次释放的问题。
  2. 是否所有页都能索引到,即是否存在既无法直接访问,又无法通过B+Tree索引到,也不在freelist中。

2.2.3 事务回滚



// Rollback closes the transaction and ignores all previous updates. Read-only
// transactions must be rolled back and not committed.
func (tx *Tx) Rollback() error {
	_assert(!tx.managed, "managed tx rollback not allowed")
	if tx.db == nil {
		return ErrTxClosed
	return nil

func (tx *Tx) rollback() {
	if tx.db == nil {
	if tx.writable {


2.2.4 事务关闭


func (tx *Tx) close() {
	if tx.db == nil {
	if tx.writable {
		// Grab freelist stats.
		// ... ...

		// Remove transaction ref & writer lock.
		tx.db.rwtx = nil

		// Merge statistics.
		// ... ...

	} else {

	// Clear all references.
	tx.db = nil
	tx.meta = nil
	tx.root = Bucket{tx: tx}
	tx.pages = nil

// removeTx removes a transaction from the database.
func (db *DB) removeTx(tx *Tx) {
	// Release the read lock on the mmap.

	// Use the meta lock to restrict access to the DB object.

	// Remove the transaction.
	for i, t := range db.txs {
		if t == tx {
			last := len(db.txs) - 1
			db.txs[i] = db.txs[last]
			db.txs[last] = nil
			db.txs = db.txs[:last]
	n := len(db.txs)

	// Unlock the meta pages.

	// Merge statistics.
	// ... ...


2.3 内置隐式事务


2.3.1 隐式读写事务与隐式只读事务


// Update executes a function within the context of a read-write managed transaction.
// If no error is returned from the function then the transaction is committed.
// If an error is returned then the entire transaction is rolled back.
// Any error that is returned from the function or returned from the commit is
// returned from the Update() method.
// Attempting to manually commit or rollback within the function will cause a panic.
func (db *DB) Update(fn func(*Tx) error) error {
	t, err := db.Begin(true)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Make sure the transaction rolls back in the event of a panic.
	defer func() {
		if t.db != nil {

	// Mark as a managed tx so that the inner function cannot manually commit.
	t.managed = true

	// If an error is returned from the function then rollback and return error.
	err = fn(t)
	t.managed = false
	if err != nil {
		_ = t.Rollback()
		return err

	return t.Commit()

// View executes a function within the context of a managed read-only transaction.
// Any error that is returned from the function is returned from the View() method.
// Attempting to manually rollback within the function will cause a panic.
func (db *DB) View(fn func(*Tx) error) error {
	t, err := db.Begin(false)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Make sure the transaction rolls back in the event of a panic.
	defer func() {
		if t.db != nil {

	// Mark as a managed tx so that the inner function cannot manually rollback.
	t.managed = true

	// If an error is returned from the function then pass it through.
	err = fn(t)
	t.managed = false
	if err != nil {
		_ = t.Rollback()
		return err

	if err := t.Rollback(); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil


2.3.2 批处理隐式读写事务



type batch struct {
	db    *DB
	timer *time.Timer
	start sync.Once
	calls []call

type call struct {
	fn  func(*Tx) error
	err chan<- error




// Batch calls fn as part of a batch. It behaves similar to Update,
// except:
// 1. concurrent Batch calls can be combined into a single Bolt
// transaction.
// 2. the function passed to Batch may be called multiple times,
// regardless of whether it returns error or not.
// This means that Batch function side effects must be idempotent and
// take permanent effect only after a successful return is seen in
// caller.
// The maximum batch size and delay can be adjusted with DB.MaxBatchSize
// and DB.MaxBatchDelay, respectively.
// Batch is only useful when there are multiple goroutines calling it.
func (db *DB) Batch(fn func(*Tx) error) error {
	errCh := make(chan error, 1)

	if (db.batch == nil) || (db.batch != nil && len(db.batch.calls) >= db.MaxBatchSize) {
		// There is no existing batch, or the existing batch is full; start a new one.
		db.batch = &batch{
			db: db,
		db.batch.timer = time.AfterFunc(db.MaxBatchDelay, db.batch.trigger)
	db.batch.calls = append(db.batch.calls, call{fn: fn, err: errCh})
	if len(db.batch.calls) >= db.MaxBatchSize {
		// wake up batch, it's ready to run
		go db.batch.trigger()

	err := <-errCh
	if err == trySolo {
		err = db.Update(fn)
	return err


没有满的batch会在定时器超时时触发,其start sync.Once字段确保每个batch只会被触发一次。batch触发时运行的相关代码如下:

// trigger runs the batch if it hasn't already been run.
func (b *batch) trigger() {

// run performs the transactions in the batch and communicates results
// back to DB.Batch.
func (b *batch) run() {
	// Make sure no new work is added to this batch, but don't break
	// other batches.
	if b.db.batch == b {
		b.db.batch = nil

	for len(b.calls) > 0 {
		var failIdx = -1
		err := b.db.Update(func(tx *Tx) error {
			for i, c := range b.calls {
				if err := safelyCall(c.fn, tx); err != nil {
					failIdx = i
					return err
			return nil

		if failIdx >= 0 {
			// take the failing transaction out of the batch. it's
			// safe to shorten b.calls here because db.batch no longer
			// points to us, and we hold the mutex anyway.
			c := b.calls[failIdx]
			b.calls[failIdx], b.calls = b.calls[len(b.calls)-1], b.calls[:len(b.calls)-1]
			// tell the submitter re-run it solo, continue with the rest of the batch
			c.err <- trySolo
			continue retry

		// pass success, or bolt internal errors, to all callers
		for _, c := range b.calls {
			c.err <- err
		break retry

func safelyCall(fn func(*Tx) error, tx *Tx) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if p := recover(); p != nil {
			err = panicked{p}
	return fn(tx)

// trySolo is a special sentinel error value used for signaling that a
// transaction function should be re-run. It should never be seen by
// callers.
var trySolo = errors.New("batch function returned an error and should be re-run solo")


  1. 首先将当前db实例的batch字段置为nil,以避免之后调用的Batch将事务加入到当前队列,同时不影响其它batch的操作。
  2. 随后,循环重试。每次循环进行如下操作:
    1. 在一次Update方法中,循环执行calls列表中的每个事务的方法闭包,直到有一个事务返回错误时停止
    2. 如果发生了错误,则将发生错误的事务从batch中剔除,并向其错误信道中发送trySolo错误,告知调用者自行重试一次该事务,然后从头开始重试列表中的事务(这也是Batch要求其操作幂等的原因)。
    3. 循环通过或Update方法执行时boltdb内部产生错误(如果事务返回错误其会被从calls列表中剔除并重试,这里的err如果非空则为boltdb本身的错误),将错误(或nil)返回给calls中所有调用者的错误信道,通知调用者其事务执行完成或错误,退出循环。

3. 总结

